Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 14


Yesterday we went to the Japanese Stroll Garden where Bryan and I took our engagement pictures a little over 2 years ago. It was HOT, a little over 90 degrees so I was surprised how well Taylor did. He also didn't have his normal nap so I was expecting a lot of crankiness but he wasn't too bad. Teresa might have a different opinion though. She has posted a few of the pictures on her blog today so go check it out and let me know what you think!

Saturday, June 12

6 months!!

I honestly can't believe that Taylor is 6 months old. It just seems incredible to me that he's been in our lives for half a year. Last week was vacation Bible school at church so it was a busy and schedule crazy week. My new nephew will be here sometime Wednesday if all goes well and I can't wait to meet him. I hope that Taylor and Evan will grow up and be best friends.

Taylor is getting to a very fun age. He laughs and smiles all the time. He is sitting up own his own and playing by himself well. I think that he will be crawling pretty soon because he is really trying. However, he still doesn't want to eat anything. I did get him to eat a strawberry and a piece of pineapple the other day but that has yet to be repeated. The doctor isn't concerned because he's still growing really well. At his appointment on Wednesday he weighed in at a whopping 17 pounds, 5 oz. and 27.5 inches long.

We are having our family pictures and his 6 month pictures done tomorrow so check back for some fun previews a about a week. Until then, here are the pictures that I took of him from the last month.
Piano lessons from great-grandma. He did seem really interested and was pushing on the keys a little bit. I am sure that this will change as soon as he realizes that he can make the noise on his own.
He loves bath time and now that he's big enough to be out of his baby tub I think he's really going to enjoy it a lot more. So far, he doesn't seem to enjoy splashing but I expect that to change soon.